Health benefits of orange peel

When it comes to tangerine peel, the big guys are very familiar with it, because there are too many places for it to appear. When you drink tea, you can put some tangerine peel in, when you cook porridge, you can also put some tangerine peel in, let alone when you cook sugar water. No matter what you cook, you add tangerine peel, and you feel healthy. So, do you know what the effects of orange peel (Tangerine Peel) are?

What is orange peel (Tangerine Peel)?

The so-called orange peel is the old red orange peel. After eating the red orange, don’t throw away the orange peel. Leave it to dry and keep for more than one or two years. It’s orange peel.

What are the effects of orange peel (Tangerine Peel)?

(1) Regulating Qi and stomach

Tangerine peel has the functions of spasmolysis, regulating qi and stomach, so it can relieve different symptoms such as intestinal diseases, liver diseases, biliary and pancreatic diseases.

In traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology, tangerine peel is a commonly used medicine for treating chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, especially for stomach discomfort, anorexia, stuffiness, pain, nausea and vomiting. Adding tangerine peel to prescription medicine can have the effect of harmonizing and protecting stomach.

(2) Antiphlogistic and expectorant

The volatile oil contained in orange peel (Tangerine Peel) has stimulating and expectorant effects, which can make sputum easier to cough up. When tangerine peel decoction is used together with vitamin C and vitamin K, it can also play an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal role to a certain extent.

(3) Reduce blood pressure and strengthen heart

Orange peel (Tangerine Peel) contains hesperidin, methyl hesperidin and other effective ingredients, which can excite the heart muscle and constrict blood vessels, help to strengthen the contractility of the heart, increase cardiac output, and reduce cholesterol in the blood, and help to prevent hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases.

However, for cardiovascular diseases, orange peel (Tangerine Peel) alone is not enough, and correct medication is only reliable.

(4) Relieve cough and asthma

The decoction made of tangerine peel has a weak dilation effect on bronchi and can relieve cough and asthma, while the alcohol extract of tangerine peel has a high antiasthmatic effect.

It can be seen that there are many benefits of orange peel. Many friends in life often choose to drink orange peel (Tangerine Peel) in water, but there are many ways to eat orange peel.

What are the edible methods of orange peel (Tangerine Peel)?

(1) Pot soup

Tangerine peel, as a spice, can enhance the flavor of soup when used to cook soup.

Before using tangerine peel for soup making, it should be soaked in water for more than 30 minutes until the tangerine peel becomes soft, and then cleaned. Cut it into thin shreds or small pieces with a knife. Sometimes it can also be put into whole pieces for cooking. Put the processed orange peel into the pot and add some water. It can be boiled in high heat and slowly cooked in low heat. Finally, it can be seasoned with salt, sugar, etc.

As a kind of soup seasoning, orange peel can also be eaten with other ingredients, playing a good role in regulating qi and removing dampness.

(2) Make stuffing

Select high-quality tangerine peel, put it into the pot, add a proper amount of water, boil it in high heat, change it to low heat and boil it until it is cooked, take it out and cool, mash it into mud, and add white sugar, lard, salt, five spice powder and other seasonings according to your taste, which is the tangerine peel filling. This kind of orange peel (Tangerine Peel) filling can be used to make fillings for moon cakes, glutinous rice balls and bread, and can also be made into cakes, biscuits, sugar water, etc., with a variety of varieties.

Tangerine peel can dissipate phlegm and dampness, relieve cough and asthma.

(3) Make tea

Choose high-quality tangerine peel on the market, put 1 to 2 pieces into a tea cup, pour boiling water into it for brewing, and then taste it when the tea soup changes color, or add several kinds of medicinal materials and ingredients to drink with tea, which is also a good choice.

In life, orange peel is often used to make tea. The tea brewed is sour, sweet and mellow. It can also recuperate the stomach and nourish the five internal organs.

People who cannot drink orange peel (Tangerine Peel) water:

  1. People with hot body: tangerine peel has certain dryness and dampness effect, so people with dry cough, stomach fire, dry mouth, constipation and fever are not suitable for eating. Otherwise, it may aggravate the heat in the body and aggravate the disease.
  2. People taking medicine: Some ingredients in orange peel (Tangerine Peel) may conflict with those in some drugs. People taking medicine need to be careful when drinking orange peel water. If you must drink it, you’d better take it under the guidance of a doctor, so as to avoid some components and drugs in orange peel from reacting, reducing the efficacy and even producing some substances harmful to human body.
  3. People with excessive stomach acid: tangerine peel is mainly used for digestion and has a good effect in boosting appetite and promoting digestion. However, taking tangerine peel may aggravate the burden on the stomach, cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other adverse symptoms, which is harmful to health.

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