Superior Kind of Black Tea from Sri Lanka

Superior Kind of Black Tea from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon, is a small island nation located in the Indian Ocean. The country is famous for its tea production, which is one of the main sources of foreign exchange earnings. Sri Lanka is the fourth largest tea producer in the world, and its black tea is highly valued in the global market.

History of Tea in Sri Lanka

Tea cultivation was introduced to Sri Lanka by the British during the colonial era. In the 1860s, the British started to cultivate tea in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, which was previously used for coffee plantations. The tea industry grew rapidly, and by the early 1900s, Sri Lanka became the largest tea exporter in the world.

Types of Black Tea from Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan black tea is classified into three categories based on the elevation at which it is grown: low-grown, mid-grown, and high-grown. Each type of tea has its own unique characteristics and flavor profile.

Low-grown teas are grown at elevations below 600 meters and have a strong, bold flavor with a reddish-brown color. Mid-grown teas are grown at elevations between 600 and 1200 meters and have a milder flavor with a lighter color. High-grown teas are grown at elevations above 1200 meters and have a delicate flavor with a light golden color.

Superior Kind of Black Tea from Sri Lanka

The superior kind of black tea from Sri Lanka is known as Ceylon Silver Tips. This tea is produced from the buds of the tea plant, which are handpicked before they fully open. The buds are covered in fine white hairs, giving them a silver appearance, hence the name “Silver Tips.”

Ceylon Silver Tips is highly valued in the global market due to its unique qualities. It has a delicate flavor with a light golden color and a subtle floral aroma. The tea is also low in tannins, which gives it a smooth and refreshing taste.

Production Process

The production process of Ceylon Silver Tips is rigorous and time-consuming. The buds are handpicked early in the morning before they fully open. They are then withered, rolled, and dried in the sun or using a special drying machine. The entire process is done by hand to ensure the highest quality tea.

Health Benefits of Sri Lankan Black Tea

Sri Lankan black tea has been shown to have potential health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It also contains caffeine, which can improve mental alertness and cognitive function.


In conclusion, Sri Lanka produces some of the finest black teas in the world, including the highly valued Ceylon Silver Tips. The unique qualities of this tea, combined with its rigorous production process, make it a sought-after product in the global market. Additionally, Sri Lankan black tea has potential health benefits, making it a popular beverage choice for many people around the world.

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