Benefits and taboos of honey chrysanthemum tea

Benefits and taboos of honey chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea and honey contain rich inulin, flavonoids, vitamins and amino acids. Drinking honey chrysanthemum tea has the effect of refreshing breath, relieving depression, promoting metabolism, supplementing needed energy, clearing heat and relieving anger. After drinking honey chrysanthemum tea for a long time, the vitamins of chrysanthemum bee honey tea can relieve eye fatigue and…

Drinking Tea Before Bed Can Affect Your Body

Drinking Tea Before Bed Can Affect Your Body

The article discusses how drinking tea before going to bed has a certain impact on the body. For example, for people with weak adaptability and receptivity, drinking tea or drinking strong tea before going to bed will cause accidents such as sleepwalking or sleeptalking. The article also provides additional benefits of drinking tea; such as…